M  A  T  A  T  E  C      V A S A AT H  I






“When Bliss returns to YOU !”














   Energetic EXPERIENCES : 








Once I´ve visited a Saint being an incarnation of a special aspect of  Lord SHIVA

in these times I was working on a mechanical-engineering-project with one his devotees.


Therefore I wanted to tell in short words what I´m doing and what about I was researching for ... and short before just starting with my voice

He answered me just in the same way I wanted to tell him :


" You´ve found again -

   that there are Integrative and Transformative Vortex Structures !"














I gave the  M A T A T E C  “ The SOURCE ”– Aggregate  to a lady-priest

inside a famous KALI-Temple who is also living just beside the statue of  Matha KALI-DEVI 

now for many years.



Asking her about her feelings and visions about this kind of energy  ( -  at this day it was extremely hot and we both.were sweating inside.this temple that the drops were falling down from our brows … and the temple was about.30 met-res long and its entrance with e few monkeys in front was only half open.with a relatively small double-winged wooden door ), . -  she opened her now widely smiling eyes and said :


“ Haven’t You recognized the cool breeze

.   coming inside from the ( - there about 20 metres away )  door ? ”

And Yes really –  a cool and softly fragrant breeze was coming towards us

on the solar plexus- and heart-level and cooling us down most lovingly and nicely !!!



Then I told her that she could go with all my pleasure to  Mother KALI  

to show it to Her directly.


Then I saw that Lakshmi was going to the huge  KALI- statue in front of and rounding her sunwise.


Coming then slowly back to me, she told me, that she has asked  KALI-MATHA  :




“ What`s the difference  dear KALI-MATHA 

.    between this kind of energy and You ? ”


.     -    and   KALI–MATHA   answered 


















Also I gave the  M A T A T E C  “ The SOURCE ” – Aggregate   to some highly experienced devotees , highly trained in deep meditation , they were meditating upon and with this energy for about 2 or 3 weeks and then replied :  


“ Yes there is no end of this Energy …

it´s just widening and widening and widening -

. with highest consciousness for everyone and all !













Then I`ve shown "the Plate"   to a highest esteemed elderly long-time devotee - a former University-Professor  Mr. Dr. Lakshmi-Narayana  and was asking him about his feelings and experience about .


He spoke with me longer time about some more mostly medical matters …

till at once he mentioned that :



“ He had recognized just at once , that the energy of the  -


M A T A T E C   “ The SOURCE ” – Aggregate


is equal to this he is experiencing in the highest states of his -

over his whole lifetime -  trained meditations !!! ”













Some years afterwards I´ve met also in India some highly skilled French dowsers around a famous psychologist  , -  who were coming to India mainly to recognize and examine the former lives or incarnations of some of their friends ; -  so also they were highly interested towards my researches .


So seeing my energetic main tool  , Michèle-Marie  started to cry and her tears where flowing from inner luck and happiness !!!  


She said – “ Yes this is the ABSOLUTE ! ”


and her dear husband  Christophe  was measuring and measuring and measuring with his special lecher-antenna for several minutes and then capitulating with   


“ Yes that´s right … It´s the ABSOLUTE ! ”












Then several - so called spiritual -  as also non-spiritual "normal" people said things like this :


“ Oh - This is my Energy ! ”


“ This is my Energy ! ”



“When I´ve seen  “the Plate”  first time , I have to smile inside !”




- “ I´d never had such a thing in my hands for all my lifetime 

-  and Oh - I´m seeing Thee ABSOLUTE -

   I`m seeing Thee ABSOLUTE inside !!!  ”



“ With this Energy I will find myself ! ”


“ Inside this Energy I will come to myself ! ”















Now over all the years ,

-  all noticed feelings from all people where in the same mood and direction ,

where “The Plate”  could be also used for several healing-treatment tasks ,

for calming down of some-one`s emotions and thoughts ,

or for highly efective blessing procedures . 



































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