M A T A T E C – V A S A AT H I
“When Bliss returns to YOU !”
The honorariums for a
M A T A T E C – VASAATH I - Transformation
are easy to count with 180 Euro per 10 m2 of real living room ( - respectively about 180 Euro for about 108 Square Feet ) plus journey ,
- where even small residencies between 40 - till 70 m2 ( - respectively about 430 - till 750 Square
Feet ) range between 720- till 1260 Euro just in normal way to manage and meet.
Bigger flats and bigger houses between 150 - till 200 m2 of living-room ( - respectively of about
1650 - till 2150 Square Feet ) normally range between 2700 till 3600 Euro plus journey.
For bigger private projects the basic prices range on average between 4500 till 7200 Euro .
For larger - or other industrial technological communal agricultural projects , - as same as for whole airplanes yachts and ships - ( - or also if the clients likes to use these M A T A T E C – energetic benefits also to use professionally with their own industrial-technological or artisanal products … ) please ask for a quotation and expertise .
For M A T A T E C – VASAATHI - treatments only from afar ( - even also highest effective , -
especially in cases of "emergency" - or if a personal visit is not possible ... ( - see in the Testimonies ) - ) ,
- the fees are much less .
Elderly Homes , Hospitals as Schools , Temples , Churches as Ashrams and Kindergartens etc. , -
are getting M A T A T E C – VASAATHI mostly as a SEVA - Selfless-Charitable-Service of the
M A T A T E C – Experts for minimal costs for the clients ( - real suggestions and recommendations are always welcome ).