M A T A T E C – V A S A AT H I
“When Bliss returns to YOU !”
The M A T A T E C – VASAATHI services are organized as an association of over decades trained and subtle-energetically highest skilled, all pure satvic living ( - also to safe and to secure their subtle-energetic ” feeling” and acting-abilities and out of their all own inner.deep conviction and real experience about the inner mechanisms : .Fully non-smoking and aquabibtic, non- and never drugs consuming, pure vegetarian or vegan, - ) and in principle on the same eye-level working together Healers Devotees and natural Medical Doctors.
We are working altogether energetically to the same highest supreme standards of our founder - Mr. Botida F. Meyer who was scientifically researching about these themes ( - with many subtle-energetically also on the same levels proceeding agricultural medical or whatever technological mechanical-engineering possibilities plus many river- or water-engineering and river-renaturating solutions and so on and so on …. ) over all his professional and spiritual lifetime.
Has Mr. Botida F. Meyer found again additionally a highest sacred and most holy method, we all have the possibility “to feel” ( - nevertheless we will think it´s feeling, but in fact it´s beyond of any feeling ; ) over our all ancient hand-praying-positions or praying-MUDRAS - and this also from far afar - what´s going on on subtle levels wherever in the universe … ,
- here we are having all together exactly the same so easiest to check and proof
supreme measurement-results.
Therefore everyone and all of us ( - and also after some minimum oly 5- till 10 minutes training ) including all our ( - as maybe farmers or environmental engineers and so non – and so on highest useful ) clients - even children - till elderly persons - have all the possibility to examine the subtle-energetic results exactly towards the highest standards,
- where M A T A T E C is also using additional scientific equipment apparatuses and methods , - also out of the over tenth of years deepest researches of Mr. Dr. Mannem Murthy ( - a former highest esteemed Nuclear Scientist from Hyderabad / India , - we are working heartily-cooperatively together ).
So M A T A T E C – VASAATHI Transformations are proceeded with special prayers and ( - sometimes also only inside proceeded ) puja also on international levels only from highest educated and highest skilled persons, who have dedicated themselves and all their work and proceeding as their also spiritual main practice to the Devine ABSOLUTE .
Every also internationally proceeded M A T A T E C – Transformation is getting fully documented and registered and is getting an
M A T A T E C “AUM”- Certificate ©
- where the heads of M A T A T E C – VASAATHI are standing for the supreme and lasting results.
Are the proceeding M A T A T E C – VASAATHI Experts or “Pujaris” also internationally working together in principle for the same for sure good salary ( - also because such a deep and profound work - especially with bigger projects.– could been done only with some rest and holidays between … ) ,
- if the procedure stocks or there are some severe problems,
the other “ M A T A T E C Pujari-Experts ” will recognize it at once ,
they will join also on their inside levels for help -
or if nothing else would help ( - till now there was no single case … ) the Head of M A T A T E C will come personally to solve the problems to achieve and secure the supreme results.