M  A  T  A  T  E  C      V A S A AT H  I






“When Bliss returns to YOU !”





















TRANSFORMATION of a huge Living House plus Company

south of Munich / Germany



Here as a deeply detailed report :






Here again the clients´voice :



  “    When I asked  M A T A T E C   to transform my living space in 2019, I was

       amazed at their thoroughness and dedication in analysing the property and

       house, and offering both practical, intuitive as well as energetic solutions

       for transforming the energy, and bringing in an atmosphere of calm.


       M A T A T E C   worked both on and off site, and took special care in accessing the

       overall living situation both before and after the transformation.


I found that my nervous system relaxed

and that I could sleep and meditate better

My health and attitude improved


M A T A T E C   also seemed to place an invisible protective barrier

around the property, so that any form of disturbing energy

could no longer enter the space ! ” 











EXPLANATION of the VAASTU-energetic circumstances

with Mrs. Karen`s house and property

( -  as an example to the nearly always alike -  or with mostly same difficulties occuring procedures ) :



Mrs. Karen`s  house and property was from VAASTU-views very ambitious und complex.


There were 2 –  or better 3 houses , including the atelier and bureau of her own company inside of her main and living house ,


       -     this with an additional pavillon plus small house in the garden ,

       -     an additional holiday-house in Croatia quite at the sea-shore ,

       -     plus a rented garage for stocking and storage of professional equipment and art

             about 1 km away from her main house.  


Also the main living house itself had several severe VAASTU-difficulties because of South-West and South-side entrances and a garage and barn connected over the roof to the North-side so with big energetic deficits of the Water- and Air-Element  ( -  thus with huge deficits on spiritual and income-potencies ) .


Also the Energetic Centre-Point  of her main house  ( -  highly important for all  M A T A T E C -

work  )  was far away at a neighbours plot.  


Additionally the energy inside the Croatian house was hugely spooky and there was an additional spot or lawn Mrs. Karen forgot to tell me about ( -  nevertheless with MATATEC-VASAATHI we have to know and integrate all real estates plus cars and plots whatever is there ) .


With traditional known VAASTU-methods,

there would have been no chance !








The now following drawings are showing the principle VAASTU-circumstances

of  Mrs. Karen`s  2 houses 


( -  please notice the tensions towards shoulders and towards the head ; - especially because at the main living-house

there is the driving way and parking place of a car, -  and in the holiday house the neck and shoulders

of  VASTU-PURUSHA  are also under tension )


before of the "Transformation" :









Here ahead the Symbolism-Key of the following single VAASTU - Drawings :


     -        The big Green Squares  are showing the VAASTU-squares of the buildings ;


     -       The anthracite lines  are showing the shape of the houses from above - respectively their roofs ; 


     -       The human figure sitting like in a Lotus-seat and looking towards the earth -  inside of a big green VAASTU-Square

              is showing the position and orientation of VAASTU-PURUSHA , how he is related to the shape-proportions of the different

              buildings ( - the drawings are directed to the North ) ; …


              -     whereas the VIBGYOR – or rainbow-colours are showing the potential deficits of the so called solar-

                or dual life-energy-powers for the different  CHAKRAS  of the owners or tenants.


     -       The  light blue regions of  VAASTHU-PURUSHA`s  body are showing where his body is outside "the consciousness-

                 defined area " -  or house - and thus ( -  potentially impacting also our own body )  not really safe till unprotected or  ( -  just only  through the

                                           direction and proportions of our houses  thus chronic - )  vulnarable or under permanent stress or pressure ...    

                      and this much more, if for example additionally VAASTU-energetically some cars are driving through !


             -       Some rectangle fields or coloured lines inside the main VAASTU-squares are showing how VAASTU-squares from

                      neighbour´s houses or plots are impacting the individual energy-field


              -      Brown Arrows are showing the main entrances , Red Arrows are showing the main car-traffic directions or the

                      VAASTU-relevant driveways.


              -       So the streets  - mostly in Grey -  and traffic directions in Red are clear ;  Important hill-slopes of the soil surfaces

                      are signed as dark Green Arrows , plus important walkways and garage drives or drive ways are signed .in light Beige. ,


                      -    relevant trees are drawn as  Green Circles ;  and the compass-directions  in Indigo  are also signed clearly !

















More precisely discribed ,  -  at first the German house :










-  And here the Croatian one :












So -  also to test for myself how much of the  M A T A T E C – TRANSFORMATIVE Energies would come or get manifested


with laying the


M A T A T E C “The SOURCE”– Aggregate


just for some time onto the Energetic Centre-Point of the main house only ;


-   and also because  Mrs. Karen  - suffering before under high emotional stresses and tensions for many years , with pains especially around the shoulders, the neck, plus irritations of the eyes ... ; -  had some not so nice experiences with several not so nice people before …


I gave her and myself the chance to let her highly smoothly and softly feel -  if the before highly stressing and tensioning subtle energies in her house  ( -  as also her such experienced life )  will get trustingly calmer and more relaxed or switching to the joyful side.







Additionally whenever  M A T A T E C - VASAATHI  is proceeded we have to be additionally sure, that also the AURAs  of all the clients


        -      are optimal closed ,

        -      that their subtle bodies are nicely concentrated in the vertical midst , - and

        -      that all the not so nice or life-blocking subtle energies inside of their AURA  ( -  here also

                    from geopathic stress-points , from mobile-phone-transmitters - or whatsoever ; -  impacting our bodies

                    or our  AURA  if we´re staying for longer time in their influences … )  have really vanished ,

        -      and that all the cells ( -  together with some more features )  or all our client´s

               body bristies with vigour and full of beyond-supra-mental life- and DIVINE Energies .


This highly important as highest effective


M A T A T E C - AURA - cleansing -  


AURA-Boosting-Up- procedure ,


at these times I was proceeding it "normally" as a much-loved seminar or weekend-workshop for minimum 9 people together ( -  once we were over 20 ) ; -  highly efficient and easier to manage for the proceeding Pujari , - because the single souls are here unconsciously helping each other from their Self to every Soul …


    -    and afterwards there is always such a strong stuck  Golden Godly Light  manifested in the treatment-rooms, that nearly everyone could really see it  -  and people like and love it -  to meditate inside .


So this above  AURA-cleansing-“procedure”  Mrs. Karen  had just finished successfully together with some more nice people and friends, -  a few weeks back .    





So I´ve visited  Mrs. Karen  first time , -  and the first  “with nowadays traditional VAASTHU-knowledge”  not and never to solve obstacle was  ( -  for sure -  after the inside celebrated Inauguration – MANTRAS )   to find a new  Energetic-Centre-Point  for the main house .


Just mentioning above, that the originally one was here positioned far away in the North-West of Mrs. Karen`s  house and plot  ( -  what´s for me a sign that several souls have come together again to live together , or are trying to solve something again … ) ,  -   with  M A T A T E C – methods  we´re able to pray for a new one successfully -  at best inside the main house , -  however  Thee ABSOLUTE  appreciates and likes it .



And if Thee ABSOLUTE doesn’t or wouldn’t like it ,

-  it´s also ok for us ; 

-  but till now - in all such cases -  it always happened.






In India and through the research-results of  Mr. Dr. Mannem Murthy  we know how important it is also to measure ( -  over the client´s saliva )  the energetic potential of a soul-development , -  or how prosperous is the in relation to same spiritual - and worldly progress ?


Here the house of  Mrs. Karen  was not nice -  and the measuring instrument was showing that Mrs. Karen`s  soul on the inside levels would never have entered -  or living inside of her house under these (- most difficult )  energetic conditions and circumstances ,


-  and was ( - nevertheless of nowadays modernity and luxury )  more as ready just to leave or move.





Ok that´s nowadays mostly normal, that our homes are no more or highest seldom really soul-compatible ,


-    but for  M A T A T E C   it´s an important additional indicator , because at the end and after the full  M A T A T E C – VASAATHI - Transformation  it should be


-  same soul-compatible and optimal prosperous -


for all the living there souls, for all the residents and fellow-inhabitants plus plants and pets , plus for all their welcomed visitors and employees -


-   till for maybe future owners , also if a house would get be sold some time in the future !


       All this could nowadays only achieved with -  or though -


-  or respectively with the use of   

M A T A T E C – TRANSFORMATIVE Technologies !







Another fact is that our nowadays houses are energetically mostly ( -  no more – and never really protecting , - but - )  fully open , that all subtle-energetic influences are easily able just to enter though the walls floors roofs or ceilings , -  what´s additional difficult for our bodily energetic system to stay independent and healthy.


So after “praying” for a new Energetic-Centre-Point for the main house of  Mrs. Karen , -  we were highly happy that it could be measured now quite in the midst of the main house .


But this special point was not really suitable for us , because it was just inside a passage-way ; -  so we have to move it energetically to a spot with some more place for us to fulfil the needed procedures. 






Ok we´ve found a nice place to install the needed  VAASTHU–VASAATHI-YANTRAS  ( -  they have to be installed to a half millimetre rightly, -  to show the according and right measurement-result ) , and at first turned the whole house energetically slightly towards full North-South-  and West-East-direction.



Then as I´ve promised to  Mrs. Karen  before ,

-  we were just laying down a  M A T A T E C  “The SOURCE” – Aggregate  at the same very point and I left the house for some weeks or months , without of additional prayers -  or any additional energetic work from afar .







So  Mrs. Karen  who is also an highly skilled natural med. Doctor  ( -  skilled also in Kinesiology , with Psychological Therapies and so on …  )  got through her thus inside experiences more and more trust towards  M A T A T E C – VASAATHI 


-     and I´ve visited her after some month to proceed fully .







But at first and ahead -  I´ve transformed the very difficult  VAASTHU-situation in the holiday-bungalow in Croatia as best as anyhow possible from afar –  respectively just from South-Western Germany. 


There some years back some friends of  Mrs. Karen  where living and staying inside for holidays.  But because of the severe spooky appearances at night times , they were  -  the most beautiful landscape surroundings from pillar to post -   happy to leave again as soon as possible .


Ok –  in the inner picture the main energetic Centre Point of this property-part was at a neighbours site for the full surrounding , and solving the problems was not easy !  


As  Mrs. Karen  told me afterwards , the whole surrounding  -  she and her former husband have bought together many years back , -  was before in the ownership of an Ex-Yugoslavian High Military who formerly got all this property as an award and gift from the Yugoslavian government  "for his model efforts throughout the war-times  …


Thus  ( - also here as all the time in our work )  it got more as clear why the subtle energy-situation was such tensioned and difficult to redeem.  







Are we knowing from ancient  AYURVEDA  plus  VASTU – VAASTHU  and  VASAATHI  that all our real estate properties we are either living , working or staying inside , -  especially and much much more -  if we are the real owners , they are always effecting and impacting the body , and this highly interesting also wherever we will stay actually , - wherever in the world or in the universe .


Therefore with  M A T A T E C – VASAATHI  it´s highly important that really all real estate properties are on the table, and that also the energetic bondages between owners and tenants, or owners and employees, are getting clearly separated, so that the inside subtle impact is getting minimized towards a minimum neutral state -  or better towards zero.


Additionally there are also energetic pathways where the subtle energies from one real-estate part to another one is flowing ( -  in this example between the house plus rented garage in Germany and the house in Croatia and reverse … ) ; -  also these pathways have to be secured that no strange energy has the possibility to enter anymore !






So visiting Mrs. Karen at her main house to fulfil my offering, I´ve recognized,

that the  M A T A T E C – Energy  was laying alike a very strong potential -  just in her rooms ,

-   but it was not really grounded and fixed to earth ! 


Is  Mrs. Karen  also engaged in Sufi-practices, -  just the same day in the early morning she had opened a prophesying Sufi-book by joyce, where there was coming the motto of this very auspicious day as :  





Therefore  Mrs. Karen was in big surprise and most happy when I told her just out of myself -  that

“ Today is the Day of the Real Manifestation”  

of the Divine  M A T A T E C - Energies !!!








Ok the energetic situation inside the house and outside -  inside the garden  ( - I´ve just mentioned that there where 2 more garden-houses  )  was 


-  nevertheless much more better and much more silent than before -

   not very good .


And because we are in reality real  Godly DIVINE and Spiritual Beings of supreme Light Peace Love and Happiness   who should always be focussed in general on what´s good and beautiful , -  we were measuring at first the  DIVINE Energies  in presence .



( -  sure with the excerption of the 

M A T A T E C  “ The SOURCE”–Aggregate 

        and around of it … )

-  nothing !



Only in Mrs. Karen´s  meditation-room -  with the pictures of real Saints and Gurus ( -  and these are only real saints if also these supra-mental Devine Energies are really present ), -  just around of their heads or feet  plus at her meditation-seat -  these searched for supra-mental DIVINE Energies  were manifested and alive !


The life-disturbing -  and not so nice life-blocking energies  ( -  like the energies of underground water-veins, of geopathic stress-points or of electromagnetic stresses from electrical machines from mobile-phone routers or transmitters ,.from electrical transformers , from high voltage lines or from subtle-energetic grid-systems and so on ;.as well as from ancient graveyards or whatsoever  …  )  we are measuring always afterwards


-  respectively after the full  M A T A T E C – VASAATHI-Transformation  ,

-  also to be sure, that nothing bad -  or not so nice -  has just remained. 








But one by one - through several more difficulties plus several just remaining subtle beings and entities it needs some more time to solve the here very severe energetic problems.


Additionally there was an entrances and a balcony in the South-West plus a huge balcony plus a porched sun-room  ( -  with a maybe 1/3 width of the full wall-length ; - .if a wall-projection or setback is more than 1/12 of the length of a wall, it´s VAASTU-relevant …  )  in the South - , -  from VAASTU-knowledge these both sides are predestined for the danger of the entering of demonic forces ...


and should therefore be specially protected .


With both of them ( -  the subtle energy quality was staying there most aggressively thus horrible that  )  I thought shortly ...


"What´s that ?"  -  and   " How could it be ? " 

- "And how would it be anyhow possible to get hopefully rid of this ???"


I was short before  ( -  nevertheless I´m never stopping before of full success )  of giving up  ...  I´ve never experienced before such a horrible mess ...  -   till I got the idea not to worry too much about , but just to see what´s happening if I´m closing these potential entrances and doors at first ( -  as anyhow and all the time )  energetically with special  MANTRAM-prayers and plus the   


M A T A T E C - Blessing-procedure  …  


-  And really, -  that was it -  and it was bringing the solution !





Last but not least ( - plus closing also energetically all inside South-Nord or West-East directed doors and room-passages additionally -  )  we were coming with additional final fulfilment prayers highly successful through the theme ,  where I could show my clients  ( -  and also letting personally “feel” and experience )  afterwards that


-     the underground water-veins -  as well as all the water-pipes inside the houses have

      switched from not so nice subtle energies towards full healing-powers and 

      the DIVINE supreme silent state ... 


-     also all electric or electromagnetic apparatuses machines, or even the fridge,

      the TV, all computers, the mobile-phones, the car , as well as all medical apparatuses ,

      the power supply lines , the heating or whatever else, -  have also switched

      from before not so nice till disturbing subtle energies, -  towards now full healing-

      powers and  the DIVINE supreme silent state  ...


-     but they have also moved energetically on inside levels to their optimal VAASTHU

      according places form and size !


-     Also the before bad influences of geopathic stress-points have fully disappeared,

      and the before maybe bad influences from mobile-phone transmitters in the sur-

      rounding ( -  sure we can´t just take away the transversal wave- or microwave-radiation …  )  have

      got much much better and have also switched together with electrical transformers

      or whatever else , on subtle levels towards the DIVINE and silent state …


-     But also all foodstuff, all professionally needed raw material, all fluids , grains seeds

       or whatever is entering this subtle energy-field, -  even by shopping with the car; 

       -  as soon as something from outside is brought inside , the life-blocking subtle

       energies inside of all substances ( -  without of the need of any additional prayers … )  will vanish

       at once towards healing powers and to the supreme DIVINE and silent state …


 -     And even out of the combustion of the heating or the car are coming with the smokes

       on subtle levels only supreme healing-frequencies into the surrounding landscape !


 -     But also all materials and art plus music instruments or whatever in all the other

       houses and garages or whatever building of the whole property, -  have also ( -

          measurable )  switched and moved towards the full healing-powers  and towards the

        supreme DIVINE and silent state …


Where it´s highly interesting additionally , -  that on this highest level we don´t have also Bovis-units anymore ; -  but over the years this kind of energy-field is permanently po-wering up and getting


        ( -   without of any “homeopathy-according” initial worsening, -  and also without of any anyhow unwelcome side-effects ;

                   -   here for all there living souls,  -  always with the optimal energy-dosage and healing-energy-composition … 

                   -   with a thus on dual levels or with someone´s mind-activity never to wipe away , -  thus a beyond of supra-mental spiritual experience  


permanently and forever lasting


   ( thus getting )  stronger and stronger and stronger … .         





Are we knowing or heard  - also in the western world -  about the thousands of years old - as an heritage of mankind -   from ancient  Saints or Rishis  developed or brought to earth -  alltogether  13  VASTU-YANTRAMS  ,


-    nevertheless they are look highly beautifully ,  -  but the also here in Europe or in the US some-times taught way, -  just to hang them to their thought of cardinal direction,


-  that´s not the right way only -  but really dangerous !!!



All these real Godly aspects are traditionally used for the so called  "Cosmic Transformation" additional to the so called  "Terrestrial Transformation" , -   where these highly special  VASTU-YANTRAS  at first have to be energetically asked and tested ,


-  if they are really needed -  or here in this case really suitable ,

or if this kind of energy is in another form just manifested inside the house or property .... !!!



And if it would be helpful , every single  VASTU-YANTRAM  has to find its best place at best itself

-  with the precition of a half millimetre ( - seen with special reactions of the measurement-instruments ) somewhere inside the rooms ,


-   sometimes in the vertical hight of our solar-plexus or heart-Chakra , but sometimes also much higher or also much more down , sometimes at a window or sometimes behind of a radiator a cupboard or at another floor -  or whatsoever .




But if they are hanging  ( -  always at best inside a wooden or full glass picture-fra- me )  or fixed horizontally or vertically just beside or farer away to its real optimal place ,


it´s an additional severe disturbance -  and a not to solve anymore disharmony !







But with the use of  M A T A T E C – VASAATHI   we´re having the experience , that - if even all these ancient  VAASTU-YANTRAS  would have been really useful before  ( - we had such a case or project with the SHANTI AANANDA Nature Concept School in Muddigubba / India  ) , -  after the



what´s in fact an 



-  all needed before  Godly YANTRAM-aspects  are anyhow fully present and manifested,

-  and additional  VASTU-YANTRAMs  are -  or were no more required.





If someone likes these kind of  YANTRAS , they could buy the Goldly-Aspect YANTRAS from the


under , , , or !


These are very beautiful and all blessed  YANTRAMS  with huge additional help ,

-  and they are not dependant on an exact place

and thus fully helpful safe and beneficial ! 



is just very very very nice and very helpful !







So coming now back to   Mrs. Karen`s  VASAATHI - project , -  also the outside walls of the buildings  ( -  as well as the single floors of the basements and the ceilings or roofs , - with all their bathroom- or pipe-, drainage-  and wire-holes …  )  have got now fully protected and tight ,


-   what´s highly important also for the client´s  AURA , that the body is not all the time losing its energy , and the  AURA  is staying in a closed and protected state, where also the subtle bodies are staying secure and concentrated inside of the physical body and so on ….


All these supreme functions - suitable for every kind of energetic transformation -  we can´t get or reach on mere dual levels , -  only through personal enlightenment , in some parts also through special  JAYNA- Holy Fires ,  or through  M A T A T E C – VASAATHI – methods  !


So also we were testing again the reaction of  Mrs. Karen`s saliva related to the soul-development-prosperity of the energy-field of all her now fully energetically transformed  houses :


Now for  Mrs. Karen  really highly surprisingly , -  everything was optimal , -   and by travelling the next time to the sea-shore bungalow in Croatia , ( -  nevertheless I´ve never been there on physical levels or personally … )  also this house has been switched fully


-  to pure Delight and Happiness -


and its before so boring spooky behaviour , - especially in night-times ,

has also been vanished and gone fully !   





So from this times onward,  also all  Mrs. Karen`s  company-products

-     have the full range of supra-mental healing-powers

-     and are staying ( -  as well as everything inside the houses or around )   

- fully silent -  in inside supreme DIVINE BLISS !


Do we know that also plants are growing better and much more healthier , and also elderly pets are most astonishing getting stronger with more vitality again … , -   these are also for all of us human beings the best conditions for a long and most successful happy life !



Another very exciting feature is that through  M A T A T E C – VASAATHI  

( - especially while processing the real TRANSFORMATION- or the   Reconstruction of Thee DIVINE PRINCIPLE - process  also nearly every time , -  very special animals are showing themselves most happily -  or are shortly appearing , -

also all non-alive things are experiencing –  let´s say an inner soulfulness - 


so that also their emotions and feelings  ( -  what´s also a subtle function of  VASTU-VAASTHU  and  VASAATHI , -  respectively of the inner functions of our  PRANA-MAYA-KOSHA  )  could be felt much easier ,

-  and things feel afterwards like small children really souled -  

and lovingly alive  !





So let´s pray and hope that some time –  and ( -  especially in the actual also politically most scaring turbulent times )  better earlier then later -  all living beings have the possibility and chance to experience this inner joy and happiness and also to live inside a such same beautiful secure and safe – 


-     all living beings to their inside always loving pure DIVINE Self -  remembering

      and concentrating -


-     plus severe or dangerous emotions thoughts and deeds , now energetically

      calming softly down - 


society home and surrounding !




































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