M  A  T  A  T  E  C      V A S A AT H  I






“When Bliss returns to YOU !”








The Application and Use of recently rediscovered highly effective VASTU - or VAASTU-TRANSFORMATIONS methods,

in order to create and strengthen inner and outer Harmony,

- serenity of the Spirit, Peace and Love

as well as the Reinforcement of personal Goodness, Character and Happiness,

to strengthen and restore


- in all natural, agricultural, technological

and industrial Contexts, - as well as in all our

communal, professional as well as private Working - and Living Spaces




After more than 35 years of extensive research also on new  VAASTU-TRANSFORMATION methods for creating real sacred and harmonious devotional and living spaces, we have discovered that with    M A T A T E C VASAATHI  we are no longer dependent upon classical, at times rigid,  VAASTU principles.


Modern buildings houses and residencies have vastly different designs and are made from vastly different materials than dwellings in the past, and are often joined together with other apartments and buildings, which may have also multiple owners, tenants and/or uses.



Furthermore, ( - and completely unknown today )  all houses that are connected to each other by their roofs or by a direct extension have a subtle-energetic effect like one house, - whereby the people living or working in it, -  thus subtly-energetically live in a  ( - completely unconsciously often connecting many dozens - or several 100 of people or even more  , - like experiencing or suffering everything - but also everything in the house )  large residential community , - whether voluntarily or involuntarily, however, -  they are thickly united with each other.


Consequently, the individual units of use - as well as the living units - should be individually-specifically clarified and separated from each other also.    



If buildings have high amounts of external visitors, costumers or employees, such as in schools,  universities, theatres, hotels, hospitals, medical practices, communal, governmental - or industrial buildings, -  from the VAASTU perspective -  all the respective energetic burdens and subtle energies of all these people, which are therefore also relevant on subtle levels, must also be included and managed.




With the traditional-classical VAASTU methods still known today , 

we have no chance whatsoever to cope with the modern challenges !



Consequently , -  by returning to the most inner functions and the supreme qualities of the  DIVINE ABSOLUTE ,  -  which is also the basis of VAASTU  ( - as well as of Chinese and Japanese Feng Shui ... ) and the fundamental purpose and aim of all existence of all animate and inanimate nature loved by us , of all experience - as well as of all beings and souls ,

- fortunately as most gratefully -

also the urgently needed energetic  M A T A T E C – VASAATHI - transformation methods, -  which have been forgotten for a long time are "now appearing completely new to us again", updated here, to cope with and optimally harmonize also today's modern living and working spaces, no matter how they are designed or composed,

-     have re-emerged or come to light from the primordial source of our being ,


-   how clear and distinct it has become !
















With  M A T A T E C VASAATHI   the most complex houses, building structures and multi-purpose spaces and properties , can now be calmed and energized -



for the first time in known history

at Once

-  with everything inside and around  -

( - in principle - Without of any need of changing anything on the physical level )

-   as a Whole ,


and reset or reminded of their primal, super-natural, non-dual,

( - beyond - ) supra-mental energy state



-   so that the entire area is transformed towards its eternal energetic optimum   

-  and its full spiritual and life-energy potential !

























M A T A T E C VASAATHI  can be used to transform energise and harmonize modern houses and plots, private residencies, industrial buildings and plants, hotels, holiday resorts, medical facilities, single apparatuses products or machines, music instruments jewellery and art, artificial limbs, equipment for surgeries and dentists, such as pacemakers, kidney- or dialysis-machines  ( - here also all the machines or apparatuses for preparing or working up of phyto-pharmaceutical or medical  preparations ... )  as well as all chemicals, fluids, foodstuff or seeds, vegtables, fruits or grain–harvests as well as organic or controlled agricultural aid-appliancesgreenhouses and farms, - pacification of areas of emotional tension through historic till prehistorical Karma, -  energetic pacifications of stresses and quarrels between family-members or with neighbours, manifestation of areas of peace, trust, gentleness, prosperity, happiness and welcome - also inside of bigger companies plus in communal-governmental facilities and bureau-buildings, -  as well as harmonizing high-voltage lines, the railway current, electrical transmitters, transformers, power-stations and water-turbines, shops, malls, widespread properties, as well as haunted houses and spooky areas, or areas where accidents often happen , as well as whole skyscrapers, elderly homes, schools, sport stadiums, theatres, concert halls, university campuses, villages, towns, whole districts or states , ancient cultural sites, ashrams, landscapes, and natural reserves.


( -  There are also solutions for poorer areas favelas and slums all over the world, -  where everyone

      who has to live inside will have some basic benefit with more peace security kindness and hope  … )























The Benefits of  M A T A T E C VASAATHI  are manifold :



Clients primarily notice immediate positive effects on health, work, sleep and well-being, as various disturbing stress factors have been greatly reduced or - as if by magic hands - for most people completely inexplicable - completely eliminated.


Long-standing fears, stresses or pains ( - also caused by nearby mobile phone transmitters ) have often dissolved completely unexpectedly - thank God - immediately.


Family conflicts or stress factors and personal points of friction - also in companies and schools - are resolved almost immediately and teachers notice that they themselves and also their pupils become more good-natured, relaxed, cheerful, polite and gentle.


Strongly recurring or repetitive nightmares, also of children, have stopped and disappeared immediately ( -  as have penetrating earwigs, by the way ).


Likewise, so-called "energetic attacks" or "energetic assaults" on our clients have mostly disappeared immediately.





Healers and alternative practitioners perceive again and again a completely enlightening and pleasing non-dual supra-mental sacred healing energy field, which is completely at rest in itself, even in their practice rooms,


-   which despite the most strenuous treatment activities ( - even of patients or disease.and disorder pictures that are not always easy to handle energetically nowadays ), it is nevertheless always stable and pleasant and protective as well as invigorating - and


-     also protecting med. doctors and therapists from absorbing and passing

       on external energies  ( -  what´s also relevant and most important for other.scientifically

        hard working people and other occupational categories ; -  whereby it is also always important

        not to bring any foreign energies with you into the family-life ) ,


-   is powerfully supportive and essential - and is thus far more than helpful.






Is  M A T A T E C – VASAATHI  ( - never going against anything , - )  always blessing what´s nice and good on higher levels – the result is also – that for the less pleasing entities -

M A T A T E C  - transformed  houses and areas are


- a complete NO-GO ... ;


-   whereby they  - as we have often been told without being asked -  like to stay outside,

or wait there for their previous hosts -  then ( - due to the effect of the sacral energy field also on these

people )  but mostly in vain and unsuccessfully.



            So also so called black magic issues have no chance any more, and long lasting occupa-

            tions and hauntings of retarded souls ( - even in former cemeteries of cultic sites and in war zones or

              historical as well as upon prehistoric battlefields ; - as.well as often highly oppressive residual energies of pain

              and suffering in hospitals ; -  or as a result of historical violence and crimes ;)  have completely dis-

            appeared again thanks to  M A T A T E C – VASAATHI   with highly astonishing, -

            almost unbelievable experiences of those previously affected by them - or often

            suffering from them for many years - partly also with recurring severe para-

            normal occurrences.






All previous clients, - but far more the really sensitive ones, - or also the people who had been seriously afflicted for years, - never want to miss their M A T A T E C - transformed  premises, vehicles and houses

  never again ,


they are happy again and again -  and from the heart , - after a long working day somewhere else , - or also hurrying around in today's usual frequency confusion and permanent stress ,


afterwards - also  " through M A T A T E C – VASAATHI "

- to actually be allowed to come home to oneself - and to relax deeply there.






All counter-productive, life-inhibiting subtle energies, perhaps from the goods bought from outside, or food, or what people take in at their workplace ( -  here also from doctors in their practices or from hospitals etc. )  or whatever, - improve drastically or are completely transformed when they enter or are carried into a   M A T A T E C - transformed  area.






In the same way, we clear and cleanse the entire environment of health-counterproductive and life-inhibiting energies, - thus increasing the clear mind, good thoughts and deeds and thus changing the overall health and  KARMA  towards new potentials.






M A T A T E C  -  transformed houses and buildings feel very deeply protected - 

and are indeed protected,


-   and even the outer edges of buildings, which might have seemed aggressive before, - like the buildings as a whole, - seem rounder afterwards and also look much more harmonious compared to their neighbouring houses ( - interestingly enough, afterwards often also suddenly in colour ).








And also things react through 




as if individually re-souled and animated,


- whereby we all come closer to the character and loving quality of our own soul. 









In  M A T A T E C – transformed  rooms and houses the cerebral hemispheres are working


in quasi all-time unshakeable Harmony


which is - as we all know - the most important thing


-      for effective learning and teaching ,


-      for a relaxed and inspiring working and living environment ,


-      as well as for the achievement of our personal and spiritual goals - in companies


-    in companies, organisations and administrations, - a basic prerequisite, at best friendly, cooperative, jointly positive value-creating - and value-maintaining

        pleasantly enjoyable cooperation on all sides ...


-      socially ( - here possibly also additionally supported by means of  M A T A T E C – VASAATHI  for whole communities, cities and regions ) also basic prerequisites of a flourishing increasingly self-confident-autonomous - as well as decentralised grass-roots-democratic as well as happily peace-preserving fully healthy general public, -


as well as for the preservation of prosperity and for the building up of values and for a really community-oriented ( - neither aggressive nor opposing and counterproductive - , but helping together to superordinate positive things )  happy life together.









The aim and result are  ( - clearly - what always applies to all animals, plants and microbes )  the return to our natural, soul-based, inwardly balanced ATMIC peace and state of being,


-    which is our deep connection to the  DIVINE ABSOLUTE inherent in everything,

omnipresent and omnipotent - 

  and continually building it up anew -   


in an always silent softly powerful strengthening way !
















A well-known Saint Man   ( -  I heartily welcomed it to show him my basic "Transformation" tool through a dear friend and client )   was highly pleased and delighted to see, to perceive and experience our


VASAATHI - Transformation - main process tool


- the -


M A T A T E C “The SOURCE”– Aggregate


- looking from outside like a very special designed plate -


    thereupon he said in essence :



Whoever is having or getting the Blessings with this Plate ,  


  -   their Properties and Conciousness


will be secure and safe


 -  forever !



































































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